95% of Calgarians don’t know Jesus. But God is working and we’ve joined Him in what He's doing.​
Now we’re asking you to join too.
Join us Thursday March 27 in Greensboro, NC for a one-day event to discover how partnering with the Aspen Network can help your church and our Calgary-area churches:
engage more communities
develop more leaders
make more disciples
plant more churches
This summit is for both current and potential Calgary partner churches and organizations from the Carolinas to consider partnering with us by:
praying for our city and planters
coming for mission trips and vision tours
giving financially to multiply the mission
taking back creative outreach ideas and tools
Hosted By
Dustin Conner
Kelly Reid
Johnny Thiessen
Jennifer Holmes
Craig Robinson
Nokomis Gregory
Meet some of our leaders, pastors and planters
Celebrate what God has done in Calgary
Learn about mission trip opportunities
Learn how we can help your church grow and multiply
Hear from a few of our current partners on how their church has grown from partnering in Calgary
Hear about the creative ways your church can partner with or fund a planter or ministry
Pray with us for our city
Date: Thursday March 27
Time: 10:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Lebanon Baptist Church (Greensboro, NC)
Lunch is provided!​
Hosted at
Lebanon Baptist Church, Greensboro North Carolina
4635 Hicone Rd, Greensboro, NC 27405
Why partner in calgary?
Why is Calgary an amazing Great Commission opportunity and investment for your church?
It's growing rapidly, steadily and internationally.
1. Calgary was the fastest-growing major municipality in Canada in 2023 and 2024. Calgary-metro is now home to 1.7 million people.
2. The city of Calgary’s population grew by 6% per cent in 2023-2024 adding around 96,000 people annually. Growth is projected to continue at a rate between 4-6% annually.
3. The biggest driver of Calgary’s population growth so far has been the non-permanent resident component from outside of Canada. About 63% of Calgary's growth was from international immigration.
As Calgary continues to grow, the gospel need grows.
We invite your church or organization to be part of the growth.
What does this mean for our churches here in Calgary?
1. We need to increase our capacity to make more disciples and start more churches
2. We need to develop healthy leaders who can plant healthy churches that last and multiply
3. We can reach the nations without leaving our neighbourhoods
What does this mean for your church?
1. Your church can learn and take back creative, contextual, multicultural outreach ideas that have helped our churches engage their communities
2. Your people can tangibly be a part of the Great Commission by holding the rope for our leaders (Praying, Coming and Giving)
3. Your church can experience Acts 1:8 in realtime
Our churches are on mission in Calgary.
We invite your church/organization to be part of the mission.
