For Every Man, Woman, and Child
Secondary Title
- Transformation - God's people transformed into the image of Christ, resulting in the gospel renewal of lives, communities, and cultures.
- Mobilization - God's people owning the lostness of a defined people in a defined place.
- Multiplication - God's people continually reproducing disciples, leaders, and churches for the Gospel Saturation of a place.
- Collaboration - God's people partnering with all the expressions of His church for the Gospel Saturation of a place.
*Thank you Christ Together for this language.
Secondary Title
What we do?
The Aspen Network - working in conjunction with our Partners - are a family of multiplying churches who work together to:
- Unite Churches on a Shared Mission
- Collaboratively Identify, Develop, and Send church planters/missionaries
- Create a Trellis of Administrative/Executive Support (providing accounting, HR, and executive functions)
Some specifics
Do you still wonder what we ACTUALLY do as a Network? Well, here are a few of the ways we work together.
We genuinely believe that we are better together than a result, we actively work together as a family of Aspen Network churches to do ministry together.
Joint Sermon Series/Shared Pulpits
Over the past 18 months, pastors/planters from within the Aspen Network have come together to craft specific three different Sermon Series together (Tough Questions - Spring 2022, Advent - 2023, and Isaiah 44-48 - Spring 2023). We don't stop collaborating at sermon preparation either...instead, we share our pulpits with one another as our churches get to hear from pastors/planters throughout our Network.
Global Missions
As a family of churches all under 200 people, we know we are better served by doing Global Missions collaboratively. We are currently in the early stages of developing a Global Mission Partnership with an International Mission Board missionary overseas.
Summer Volunteer Teams/Outreaches
Every summer we receive many volunteer/missions teams from partner churches throughout North America to help our church planting efforts. As a Network, we share resources, expertise, teams, and energy to help one another with strategic outreaches.
The churches of Aspen Network regularly join together for special events, such as:
Worship Nights
Every Spring and Fall, the Aspen Network family gets together to Worship God, Share God Stories, and Pray for Gospel Saturation.
Joint Services
In addition to Worship Nights, Aspen Network churches regularly gather for joint services with one another to actively remind our people that we are United on a Shared Mission.
Aspen Accounting
The Aspen Network partners together to provide accounting, financial, and payroll support for all of our churches/plants. We provide a full suite of administrative services that allow our Pastors, Leaders, and Planters to focus more on discipleship and mission.
Immigration and CRA Support
The Aspen Network also provides support and expertise for our planters as it relates to Canadian Immigration and Canadian Revenue Services needs.
Hope Care Centre
The Hope Care Centre is a brand new ministry/initiative of the Aspen Network. The Hope Care Centre is where we integrate mental health and faith. Whether as an individual looking for care or a church looking for partnership and resources, Hope Care provides access to trained care providers.
In this together...
The Aspen Network is a ministry of collaborating CNBC Churches who are partnered with the SEND Network. We believe that we can do more together, so we work together to see the City of Calgary and the Greater Bow Valley region saturated with the Gospel.